When dreams come true

Simona and Gianluca have been together for 6 years and have decided to get married on 11th June 2016 because not only is it a Saturday but it is also their anniversary.
One and a half years planning and making the arrangements so that everything is just perfect. They heard about Valle di Badia through the grapevine. A glance at the web site and Facebook and they knew in their hearts that they had found THEIR place.

They made an appointment to visit and, at the same time, cancelled all the other visits. The beautiful setting, the magnificent ballroom to seat all their guests inside, large bay windows that give the feeling of being outside, natural light and amazing sun sets.
The swimming pool is unique, evocative and scenic. Such an enchanting location, perfect for celebrating a fairy-tale wedding. A dream coming true!

Del Carlo Catering, Calci (PI)
Nd Photo, Massa Rosa (LU)
Flor-art Simonetta Nannetti, Lari (PI)
Allestimento palloncini – La Coccinella, Montecalvoli (PI)