Three little hiccups that made our wedding perfect

Lisa and Valerio have known each other for a long time, and have been together for four years: love grew out of friendship, serene and solid, a bond that deserves a wedding in style.

Lisa and Valerio choose the date and in September start looking for somewhere to hold the reception. The date gets closer but they still haven’t found the perfect setting for their dream wedding. By February, the church has been booked, the catering ordered but still nowhere to hold the reception. Tuscany is so beautiful, with so many potential locations. They search high and low but still can’t find the perfect setting.
Fortunately, the caterers suggest Valle di Badia and it was love at first sight. They happily decide to book the Hamlet but here comes hiccup number 1 – it is already booked for that date.


As they have set their hearts on it, they decide to change the date of the wedding.
Preparations get underway. With the wedding just a few months away, they need to move fast to get everything ready for the perfect and romantic big day. The corset must be tight and the trail exactly 4 metres long to match the number of years they have been together. They want flowers and candles everywhere, and the car must be absolutely fantastic: a Porsche Cayenne, sporty and with a spicy-hot mix of luxury.
Almost there. It’s July 24th, the day before the wedding. With the last of the presents received, the guests also started to arrive. And here comes hiccup number 2. The Porsche needs taking in for service and they need to find another car. What other cars are available? A Jaguar – not bad. Plan B seems even better than plan A.
Now everything is looking good. Until the next day and hiccup number 3. The one thing they were most worried about – rain! Even worse – a storm!. Wind and dark clouds. The caterers suggest holding the reception inside. No cutting the cake and no star-gazing in mid-July? Lisa and Valerio can’t believe it. The reception has to be outside. And they were right to insist. Fortune favours the bold and in the afternoon the sun comes out.
Now everything runs smoothly – the perfect wedding: the ceremony in the splendid church of San Romano is moving, the refreshment organised by the neighbours, and the photos in the countryside and the temperature pleasantly cool after the storm.
Here come the bride and groom in the Jaguar as the guests enjoy an aperitif on the lawns at Valle di Badia with a breathtaking view of the parkland.
Dinner is served in the Sala dei Granai, decorated to perfection. The huge cake is cut by the pool. And here comes the band,  drummer and saxophonist, performing a mix of their their own songs and covers.
The most moving moment? The first dance. Lisa’s dad opens the dancing, handing Lisa to Valerio for the rest of their lives. Lisa throws the bouquet, which is caught by Deborah, Valerio’s sister and Lisa’s best friend – tears of joy, every guest is moved by the scene.

Galateo Ricevimenti Catering, Florence (FI)

Colle Photo Studio,  Massa (MS)

Stefano Bresciani Sassofonista Pietrasanta (LU)

Pier Bragazzi Fracassa Percussionista Pietrasanta (LU)