Love is a simple thing

Although young, Gianni and Teresa have already been together for 10 years when Gianni asks Teresa to marry him in May 2015.
It is in August of the same year when we see them intent on preparing their wedding: one idea is clear: that is has to be fun, light-hearted and romantic, and at the same time perfectly in tune with the way they both are.

The first possible location that they visit is Valle de Badia, which they discovered down the most conventional of routes, through a web search.  The photos are beautiful, it is true, but to see the location in person is quite another matter and a trip there is essential.  When they first got there, they didn’t realize that it was to be the frame for their wedding day, but after a few more visits the decision was made. The date of the 29th of May was chosen for the wedding day: a spring day, when all of Valle di Badia is in flower.

Teresa and Gianni got married in the beautiful Basilica of San Piero a Grado, which is also their parish. The arrival at the church was perhaps one of the most emotional moments for all: indeed, Teresa didn’t know what suit Gianni would have worn, just as he didn’t have any idea of what her dress would be like.  It has to be said that the bride and groom had done everything they could to surprise one another.

A tight dandy suit for Gianni with a white jacket and tie, a cylinder hat and stylish walking stick. Teresa was romantic and radiant in her magnificent mermaid dress with lace finishings and sweetheart neckline, a tulle wrap and a long veil. Her bouquet was simple and stylish: only perfumed white fresias. To see each other for the first time in full wedding attire in front of the altar made their hearts skip a beat, a fact that didn’t escape their guests.

After the ceremony, amidst rice, confetti and coloured balloons, the married couple and their guests moved to Valle di Badia for the celebrations. Here the guests found themselves in front of a setting that was both original and unexpected in its simplicity: in place of classic flowers, large martini glasses with romantic floating candles on spectacular luminous tables.

Teresa and Gianni wanted their wedding to reflect who they were, so the key to the decorations was simplicity.  No ornate decorations, therefore, but delicate adornments to make the location intimate and to feel at ease.
Even the austentatious red Ferrari with which Teresa and Gianni arrive at Valle di Badia, becomes a pretext to laugh and joke, when Gianni concedes a photo session on a miniature Ferrari!

After the photoshoot, it’s finally time for the buffet of aperitifs and canapés and dinner with family, before opening the door to their friends for the open bar and buffet of deserts.
Amidst banquets and laughter the day quickly moves on to the search for music: each table is marked with a song by Jovanotti and for the bride and grooms it had to be “Il più grande spettacolo dopo il Big Bang (the biggest show after the big bang)… and today it is them.

After cutting the cake at the poolside and the open bar, the moment to dance has arrived and Gianni and friends launch themselves, uncontainable, animating the evening with dancing and laughter and jokes.
When it is almost time to take leave of the guests, Giovanni surprises everyone by offering Teresa a traditional engagement ring in the least traditional moment possible. And the day comes to an end in the most perfect of ways.

It is the middle of the night when Gianni and Teresa arrive in the Mugnaio suite tired, happy and ready to rest before the departure for their Honeymoon.  Abu Dabi Dubai and the Seychelles await them ..but a little part of their heart will remain here.

How to describe this wedding in three adjectives? Simple, fun and full of joy, just as in the dreams of this beautiful couple to whom we wish all the best.

Del Carlo Catering, Calci (PI)
