From a rock concert to the Blending of the Sands: the story of a flash wedding.

Everything started at a rock concert, where Luca and Chiara met and kissed exactly on 10th July 2014. It was love at first sight, just like in the movies.

They had not even been together for 2 years when Luca and Chiara visited Valle di Badia.
Chiara already knew the place as, a few years back, she worked here with one of our selected catering companies: when she visited the first time, she just felt in love. Therefore, she came back with Luca to show him around, and that’s when they decided to follow through and pledge their eternal love to one another.

Do you know when you are looking for a house and suddenly you see one that makes you say “yes, this is exactly the place where I want to be”? Well, for Chiara and Luca Valle di Badia made them say their “Yes”. They are a young and modern couple who travels fast: they hadn’t even started dreaming about their Big Day and they had already picked the location.

Organizing the wedding was a race against time: catering, photographer, bride’s dress, they chose everything within 1 week as they would leave for a trip to Mexico shortly after. They were caught by surprise by their own decision to get married, and this perhaps was the reason why everything went absolutely fine.

The hottest day of the year (10th July, their 2nd anniversary) finally arrived. The ceremony was celebrated early in the morning at the Town Hall of Monsummano Terme, officiated by Lorenzo, Chiara’s best friend (Ed. Valle di Badia is anyway qualified for Civil Ceremonies). Then quickly everyone moved to Valle Di Badia, where the newlyweds had an apartment available where to get changed.

After their makeover, the couple went to the Love Pond. Luca was already there, waiting for Chiara. The bride was stunning, simple and classy, wearing a beautiful white lace dress, while Luca was touched: he couldn’t believe that his dream was coming true. The guests gave them a warm welcome and they all joined the Blending of the Sands ritual on the edge of the Love Pond.

If you are looking for a romantic and evocative ceremony to give a twist to the classic civil wedding, don’t look further. The officiate and the wedding witnesses poured the colourful sand in a glass vase, reading their wishes to the spouses. Afterwards, even Luca and Chiara poured the sand (of two different colours), reading their vows and making the 2 colours entirely blend. Those grains will never be split, just as their lives.

After the ritual, the ceremony continued at the swimming pool, reached by following the signs Chiara had made. It’s time for the aperitif and the delicious buffet…imagine how amazed the spouses were to find out there were also a sushi maker, a cheese maker and a frying station! The catering and the venue were a perfect match.

After one hour, the guests moved to “I Granai” hall, where the spouses prepared a very original setting: as both of them love wine, the guests had to find their seats among wooden cases and wine bottles!
There were white tables featuring a small wooden case and a blackboard with the name of the table, as well as beautiful flowers, the fancy menu and corks as placeholders.

When the lunch ended, around 6pm, other guests arrived. Then there was the cut of the cake, the balloons around the swimming pool, another delicious buffet and much more. Then the sun went down but the party continued, dancing and singing.

Around 1am all guests went home while the newlyweds went back to their apartment…so wonderful to spend the first wedding night in such a romantic place! They could finally relax and get ready to leave the next day on an incredible honeymoon in Japan, Singapore and the Maldives…


Catering: Aurora Catering, Cascina (PI)
Video: Karma Wedding, Lucca
Fotografie: Alice Franchi Fotografa, Lucca
Dress: Le spose di Lisa, Montecatini Terme (PT)