Are you planning your wedding? the first step is choosing the best date for your Big Day

If you are planning your wedding, the first step is choosing the best date for your Big Day. It might seem like an easy task, but it could actually turn out to be quite challenging. In fact, you will probably have to deal with your families’ own ideas too, including traditions and superstitions.
In this blog post, you will learn about three useful tips to get ready!


  1. Choose the best month

The months between April and June are ideal, as they are not only generally sunny but also because they symbolically bring happiness to the newlyweds.

According to superstitions, April will bring joy and happiness to the couple. May – to which Italians often refer to as “mese della rosa, della sposa e del fiocco rosa”, meaning “the month of the rose, of the bride and of the pink bow” – is surely one of the most popular months to get married. June has Juno’s blessing, the goddess of love and marriage, who will bring health and passion for travels to the couple.

July and August will entail strains and sudden changes, but – if you dare – you might want to get married then, and see what happens. By the end of the day, changes do not necessarily need to be negative!

If you want to play safe, choose September, which will bring prosperity, just like people used to wish when it came to their grape harvest. From October to January, except for a few lucky days, the weather might negatively affect your wedding. Unfortunately, there will be several cold and humid days that will not be pleasant and that might indeed ruin the joy and happiness of your Big Day. December and January are also already busy with Xmas holidays – and the consequent hangover.

However, the Italian saying “sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata!” is very popular and traditions approve weddings taking place between November and January. Of course, if you opt for any of these months, you should wear a winter bridal dress, so no plunging neck, naked back nor see-through dress with glitter shoes.

  1. Choose the best day of the week!

Once you will have chosen the month, you will need to start thinking about the exact date. Let’s start by thinking whether you wish to get married on a weekend or on a weekday. In this case, always take your budget and type of ceremony into account.

For instance, getting married on a weekend is usually more expensive and planning a civil function is easier if it takes place on a weekday.

Don’t forget about your guests’ needs and comfort too, especially if they will need to travel to get to your wedding!

The weekend surely is ideal from a logistics point of view, but according to traditions (and superstitions), Mondays and Wednesdays are the best days.

  1. Practicality and flexibility will be helpful

Don’t get stuck on one option only! It is advisable to have more than one date and day to choose from so that you can find a compromise with all other planning aspects. In order to plan at best, you should start quite early, usually 12 months before your wedding.

It will be up to you to decide your arrangements depending on traditions or superstitions, practicality and comfort. Whatever you will choose, follow your heart and wishes, without letting others influence you  – at least not too much.