Always together, even on the Big Day

Twin wedding for two sisters from Florence (Italy), Lisa and Silvia. They have always been very close, they could not help but get married on the same day too.

They have always been very close: same tastes, same university degree, same duplex apartment and same friends. They could not help but get married on the same day too. Even the grooms, Alessandro and Lorenzo, are friends.

The choice to have one big wedding, almost suggested as a joke, was instead very spontaneous for everyone: there were no conflicts nor arguments…the four were always together.

The date was set, the 10th of June, and soon after the quest for the perfect locations started. They were looking for a rustic yet elegant placecharming yet unique, but most of all they were looking for a location where “plan B is just as good as plan A”. As you know, at the beginning of June, the weather might suddenly change and, in case of rain, the soon-to-wed couples wanted an indoor venue able to welcome 130 guests, and I Granai hall at Valle di Badia was the perfect solution.

They happened to visit Valle di Badia by word-of-mouth and they felt in love with the location as well as Rachele’s friendliness and genuineness. After that visit, no venues were up to Valle di Badia…so much that the wedding, the relatives and all the friends travelled from Florence to Buti.

After the service, which took place in the little church of Vico Pisano, and after the photo shoot in Vico, the four newlyweds hopped on their fierce red 70’s Volkswagen van and got to Valle di Badia among laughs and clapping.

Al fresco aperitif, with outdoor buffet and soft electro swing music by Band Veeblefetzer from Rome. The guests enjoyed a beautiful atmospherestylish and fun, while waiting for the dinner to be set out in the hall.

And there was another surprise: a huge, cosy banquet table, with the newlyweds and all their friends, together. The setting up, the floral décor and the catering were classy and carefully prepared, thanks to Wedding planner Antonella Lenzi’s advices (Wedding & Co Ricevimenti), and so were the party favors and save-the-date cards, made by the newlyweds, with love. The cake and the toast in the courtyard, under the stars, and then an evocative after-dinner moment at the poolside started, by candlelight.

The band kept on playing, with more rhythm: finally, we danced. Afterwards, it was time for cigars, rum and chocolate for everyone…and certainly for the photo booth corner too, with a comfortable vintage armchair, moustache and hats for great photos with the guests. The memory of a beautiful night together.

…and soon the night fell, two wonderful nearby apartments were waiting for the couples, in the ancient Borgo, as close as possible.

Your wedding in 3 words? Perfectromantic to the right point and fascinating. And we can add: funnynonconformist to the right point and stylish!