A beautiful love story… sculpted in wood!

It is on a beautiful summer’s day at the end of July that Giada and Gianmauro, together for three and a half years, tie the knot.

It is on a beautiful summer’s day at the end of July that Giada and Gianmauro, together for three and a half years, tie the knot.   It has taken the couple lots of preparation to have the wedding day of their dreams: carefree, colourful and, above all, original.

To make their dream come true and create surprising and incredible memories for their guests they have paid attention to every last detail.

The starting point for this fantasy wedding is obviously the location: after much searching they discover immediately that Valle de Badia is the perfect place.  Aftwerwards, it will take a year and a half of careful planning so that every little detail is quite simply perfect and reflects the spirit of this young couple.

Upon arrival at Valle de Badia on that perfect day their guests are stunned at the scene they find before them: the entire way leading to the Sala de’ Granai has been lined with bookrests which tell the story of Giada and Gianmauro, a collection of phrases, photos and citations covering step-by-step of their story together.

But this is only the first of many beautiful surprises on this memorable day: awaiting the guests are personalised menus with a wooden key (symbol of their entry into the life of Giada and Gianmauro) and an inscription; place holders crocheted by Giada’s mum; the fantastic Roman comedian Oscar Biglia; the wonderful wedding singer Michela Tumiati and many others.

There’s also a huge panel with a moon for the couple’s photography set, artfully created by Uncle Gerardo, who has crafted all of the wood decorations on show that day at Valle de Badia.  A modern day Mastro Geppetto, in love with this beautiful couple.  Later on during the party he’s to be presented with a rice paste statue, a present given with love from the couple, and an emotional moment dedicated just to him.

The day flows amidst smiles, laughter and chatter until the cutting of the spectacular castle-shaped cake and the final surprise: a fireworks display to the music of Jiovannotti’s “Ti porto via con me”.  After the fireworks, dancing into the night, the perfect conclusion to this wonderful day.

To follow a fantastic honeymoon in the United States between cities and national parks as well as  a short stop of beauty on the beaches of Polynesia.  Just as Giada and Gianmauro had dreamed and in their hearts, just as in those of their guests, the memory of this spectacular day remains.

We wish this spendid couple all of the luck in the world……may you always remain beautiful, joyful and in love as you are!

Del Carlo Catering, Calci (PI)
Foto e video: sposando.it, Uliveto Terme (PI)